Draft An email

Make careful to use a proper format when writing an email to the company. The utility of this email to safeguard or confirm dates or information in the future is unknown at this time. The start and end dates of the maternity leave should be made crystal clear in the email.

It must be stated if it is unclear when the employee can return to work. Employers prefer to be updated.

For fear of losing your work, don’t attempt to conceal potentially harmful facts. Pregnant women are protected by the law, and it is never a good idea to lie about something.

Women frequently experience anxiety or even little embarrassment while discussing these issues with their coworkers. For this reason, writing an employer-specific email is always a wise move.

Specifying dates

Be careful to provide the company with any other essential information after stating the dates. It’s really up to the individual writing the email how specific they want to be.

Nothing mandates that an employee bear their obligations to their boss; simply communicate with them to let them know when and if a return is anticipated.

Start the email like any other business email. Addressing the boss by name rather than using the traditional Mr. or Ms. is appropriate if the working relationship is informal.

Just tell them the dates, the reasons why if the time is extended or early, and leave the door open to discuss it further. Remember, it only has to get as personal as a person wants to make it.

There is no obligation to disclose intimate details of a pregnancy. Nor is it proper for an employer to ask questions that are too personal. Here is a sample maternity leave email.

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