Subject: Workplace Harassment Complaint

Dear [Name of Recipient]:

I’m writing to inform you about a coworker, [Name of Harasser], who has been hurling racist slurs and obscene comments at me for the past month. 

I work for the company as a [POSITION] and have worked there for two years, receiving good performance reviews each year.

When I was originally transferred to this department on [DATE], he harassed me and said he didn’t enjoy having a nigger in his department. Since then, it’s happened virtually every day.

On [DATE] he said I look like dark chocolate, did I taste as good.

On [DATE] he sent me an email that said I should be working in the jungle.

On [DATE] he sent a voicemail that said niggers didn’t belong in this company.

After the second incidence, I informed my immediate supervisor of the matter, but [Name of Harasser] has not stopped. I have recordings of two voicemails and one email from [Name of Harasser], though the most of the slurs have been verbal. 

I also have two witnesses, [Name of Witness one] and [Name of Witness two], who have both witnessed the verbal abuse.

I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that I’m experiencing great mental pain and embarrassment at work, which continues at home in the form of anxiety and stress about returning to work the next day. 

The harassment is impacting my family’s relationship as well as my work performance because I know I could concentrate better if I wasn’t worried about the next comment.

I respectfully request that you take up the subject and take whatever action is necessary.


Your Name

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