What is cheque book requisition?

A cheque book requisition is a request made by a bank account holder to the bank to issue a new cheque book. 

The request can be made in person at the bank, over the phone, or through a written request, such as a letter or an online form.

In the request, the account holder typically provides their account details, such as the account number and type of account, and specifies the number of cheque leaves they want in the new cheque book. The bank will then process the request and issue a new cheque book to the account holder.

Cheque book requisitions are often made when the account holder has used up all the cheques in their current cheque book or if the cheque book has been lost or stolen. Some banks also allow account holders to request cheque books through their online banking platforms.

Can I get a checkbook immediately?

It depends on the bank’s policies and procedures. Some banks may be able to issue a new cheque book immediately, while others may take longer to process the request. 

In general, it is best to allow at least a few business days for the bank to process and issue a new cheque book.

If you need a cheque book urgently, you may be able to request expedited processing or pickup of the cheque book at the bank. 

It is best to contact your bank to inquire about their specific policies and procedures for issuing cheque books. 

They may be able to provide you with more information on the availability of cheque books and any fees that may be involved.

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