Rental Agreement

This Rental Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into this [insert date] day of [insert month], [insert year], by and between:

[Landlord’s name], with a mailing address of [insert address] (hereinafter referred to as “Landlord”)


[Tenant’s name], with a mailing address of [insert address] (hereinafter referred to as “Tenant”)

Property: [Landlord] hereby rents to [Tenant] the following described property:

[Insert property address]

Rent: [Tenant] agrees to pay [Landlord] the sum of [insert monthly rent amount] per month, due on the [insert due date of the month]. Rent payments shall be made to [Landlord] at [insert address].

Security Deposit: [Tenant] shall deposit [insert amount of security deposit] with [Landlord] as security for the performance of [Tenant’s] obligations under this Agreement. The security deposit shall be returned to [Tenant] within [insert number of days] days after [Tenant] vacates the Premises, subject to deductions for unpaid rent, damages, or cleaning costs.

Term: This Agreement shall commence on [insert start date] and shall end on [insert end date].

Use of Property: The Premises shall be used only for residential purposes and for no other purpose.

Maintenance and Repairs: [Landlord] shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Premises. [Tenant] shall keep the Premises clean and shall not make alterations to the Premises without the prior written consent of [Landlord].

Utilities: [Tenant] shall be responsible for paying for all utilities, including but not limited to, electricity, gas, water, and waste management.

Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement upon giving [insert number of days] days written notice to the other party prior to the termination date.

Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, warranties, and agreements, whether written or oral.

Amendments: This Agreement may only be amended in writing signed by both parties.

Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the [insert state].

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Landlord’s signature]

[Tenant’s signature]

Note: This is just a sample template and may not reflect the laws of your specific state. It is recommended to consult with a lawyer to ensure that the agreement complies with all relevant laws.

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