Template 2: Direct Debit Cancellation Letter Due to Financial Hardship

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

[Recipient Name]
[Recipient Address]
[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name],

I am writing to request the cancellation of the direct debit arrangement I have with your company. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen financial circumstances, I am currently facing significant hardship and must make tough decisions to cut back on my expenses.

Therefore, I kindly request that you cancel the direct debit arrangement and cease any further withdrawals from my account. The details of the direct debit arrangement are as follows:

[Insert Details of Direct Debit Arrangement, including Account Number and Sort Code]

I would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter, and please provide me with written confirmation of the cancellation.

Thank you for your understanding.


[Your Name]

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