Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense that can have severe legal consequences. If someone you know has been charged with a DUI, you may want to help them by writing a character reference letter to the judge.

However, it’s important to be careful about what you write in the letter, as it can affect the outcome of the case. In this article, we’ll discuss what should be avoided in a character reference letter for DUI.

1. Avoid making excuses

In a character reference letter for DUI, it’s important to avoid making excuses for the defendant’s behavior. Instead, focus on their positive qualities and how they contribute to society. Making excuses can come across as minimizing the severity of the offense and can undermine the effectiveness of the letter.

2. Avoid criticizing law enforcement

While it’s understandable to have strong feelings about law enforcement and the legal system, it’s important to avoid criticizing them in a character reference letter for DUI. This can be seen as disrespectful and can reflect poorly on the defendant.

3. Avoid discussing the details of the case

It’s important to avoid discussing the details of the case in a character reference letter for DUI. This includes any opinions about the case, the defendant’s guilt or innocence, or any details about the arrest or the circumstances leading up to it. 

This can be seen as attempting to influence the outcome of the case and can be detrimental to the defendant’s case.

4. Avoid exaggerating or lying

It’s important to be truthful in a character reference letter for DUI. Exaggerating or lying can be seen as an attempt to deceive the court and can hurt the defendant’s credibility. Stick to the facts and avoid embellishing or exaggerating the defendant’s positive qualities.

5. Avoid using a harsh or negative tone

It’s important to maintain a respectful and positive tone in a character reference letter for DUI. Avoid using a harsh or negative tone, even if you feel strongly about the situation. 

Remember that the goal of the letter is to present the defendant in a positive light and to provide the court with additional information about their character.


In conclusion, a character reference letter for DUI can be an effective way to support someone you know who has been charged with a DUI. However, it’s important to be careful about what you write in the letter.

Avoid making excuses, criticizing law enforcement, discussing the details of the case, exaggerating or lying, and using a harsh or negative tone. By following these guidelines, you can help the defendant in a positive and effective way.

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