A permission request letter to a principal for a tour is a request to a school’s principal for students to participate in a tour. If you would like to take your students on a field trip, you need to know how to write a request for the principal’s permission letter. This letter is also called a permission request letter. You or your students can write this letter to the principal.

In this article, you will learn about requests for approvals. Next, you will find a list of what you should include in your permission request letter. We have provided a format for this letter to guide you. You will also find a sample letter to inspire your permission requests.

Students and teachers both understand needing to ask for permission. When you and your students learn of local inspirational or outstanding exhibits, you might like to attend together as a class. Your first step is to ask the principal at your school if you can gain permission for the tour. Understanding requests for approval can help you with this. These letters can cause anguish even for experienced teachers, but we can offer a few tips. In addition to sending in the required form with all the pertinent tour details, write a professional request for approval. The key is to:

  • Write in a professional and respectful tone.
  • Start your letter with your proposed excursion.
  • Briefly explain the educational goals and benefits of the outing.
  • Show your enthusiasm for the tour. Your enthusiasm could be contagious.

You might be asking permission to attend the most exciting tour ever, but unless you make it sound exciting to the principal, you may not be going. Pointing out the tour benefits and showing your excitement can encourage the principal to decide in your favor.

What to Include in Your Permission Request Letter

You have most likely already turned in the appropriate forms requesting the field trip for a tour. Writing a permission request letter is a helpful way to get those forms noticed and approved. Here is what you should include:

  • A subject line: Approval request for a field trip
  • The date of the proposed excursion
  • The location of the tour
  • A brief description of the excursion, such as art exhibit or local event
  • The educational goals of the field trip
  • The educational benefits – how the field trip fulfills the appointed goals
  • Any pre-trip preparations you will complete in class
  • Your reason for believing this tour is beneficial for your students – show your enthusiasm
  • A respectful request for permission
  • Your contact information

Permission Request Letter (Format)

{your name}

Teacher, Grade {grade number}


{Principal’s name}


{school name}

{school address}

Subject: Approval request for a field trip

Dear {Principal’s name},

I am writing to tell you about an opportunity for my class. {discuss the location and describe the event here}.

The proposed tour meets the following grade-appropriate learning objectives. {write the appropriate goals here}. {Discuss how the tour meets these goals here.}

We will prepare in class for this event by {discuss pre-trip preparations here}.

This event offers the students experience and knowledge they cannot gain in the classroom. They will have the opportunity to {discuss what you have planned}. I sincerely hope we have your approval for this outing.

If you have any questions, please call me at {phone number} or email me at {email address}. Thank you very much for your time and your consideration of my request.

Best regards,

{your signature}

{your name}

Sample Permission Request Letter to Principal for Tour

Jessica Owens

Teacher, Grade 5

March 22, 2030

Mason Hargrove


Jacksonville South Elementary

200 South Cimarron

Jacksonville, ND 89775

Subject: Approval request for a field trip

Dear Mr. Hargrove,

I am writing to tell you about an opportunity for my class. Philbrook Museum is hosting an Ancient Greek exhibit on May 1-15. I propose a field trip to the museum, located at 5069 West Main in Jacksonville.

The proposed tour meets the following grade-appropriate learning objectives. The exhibit offers opportunities to learn more about ancient Greece. In addition, the students will learn about ancient trade and how it helped shape Greek culture. When the students are able to see in person the Greek art exhibit, ancient Greece comes alive for them.

We will prepare in class for this event by discussing Greek culture, learning appropriate art vocabulary, and discussing the materials used in Ancient Greek art. We will also map ancient trade routes through the Mediterranean, providing valuable geography knowledge.

This event offers the students experience and knowledge they cannot gain in the classroom. They will have the opportunity to see objects of Greek art that may not be locally available again. They will choose one object and write a brief report on it, incorporating vocabulary from our studies. I sincerely hope we have your approval for this outing.

If you have any questions, please call me at (668) 335-7000 or email me at owensjess@email.com. Thank you very much for your time and your consideration of my request.

Best regards,

Jessica Owens

Permission Letter to Principal for Tour (Word Template)

All teachers are required to ask for permission to take students on a field trip. When you turn in the required forms, write a letter to the principal. Discuss the goals and benefits of the tour and the classroom activities you plan to incorporate. Share your enthusiasm for the trip. This excitement may encourage your principal to decide in your favor. Be sure to thank your principal for their time and consideration of your request.

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