When applying for a job, it’s important to highlight your qualifications and achievements. One potential way to demonstrate your academic accomplishments is by including your GPA in your cover letter.

However, this can be a controversial topic. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of including your GPA in your cover letter, as well as alternatives and tips for showcasing your qualifications effectively.

Understanding the Purpose of a GPA

A GPA, or grade point average, is a numerical representation of a student’s academic achievements. It is often used as a measure of a student’s potential for success. GPAs can vary depending on the grading system used, such as a 4.0 scale or a percentage-based system.

Pros of Including Your GPA

Including your GPA in your cover letter can demonstrate your academic achievements and provide additional information about your qualifications. Highlighting relevant coursework can also demonstrate your qualifications for the position.

Cons of Including Your GPA

There are several potential drawbacks to including your GPA in your cover letter. It can harm your application if your GPA is low or irrelevant to the position. Additionally, emphasizing academic achievements over work experience can detract from your other qualifications.

Alternatives to Including Your GPA

Instead of including your GPA, you can highlight relevant coursework or work experience. Providing other qualifications, such as certifications or awards, can also demonstrate your qualifications for the position.

Tips for Including Your GPA

If you choose to include your GPA, it’s important to choose appropriate GPAs to include and format the cover letter in a professional manner. Explaining any discrepancies, such as a lower GPA in a certain semester, can also provide context for your academic achievements.

Tips for Excluding Your GPA

If you choose not to include your GPA, it’s important to emphasize your strengths and explain any academic challenges you may have faced. Focusing on work experience and other qualifications can also demonstrate your qualifications for the position.


In conclusion, the decision of whether to include your GPA in your cover letter requires careful consideration. While including your GPA can demonstrate your academic achievements, it can also detract from other qualifications and potentially harm your application.

Alternatives to including your GPA include highlighting relevant coursework and work experience. It’s important to tailor your cover letter to the position and company and emphasize your relevant qualifications. With these tips in mind, you can create a strong and effective cover letter that showcases your strengths and qualifications.

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