Time is very crucial in our everyday lives. That is why some countries use the 24-hour system while others use the 12-hour clock. The 24-hour clock is referred to as military time. They usually have rules for purposes of accuracy which is slightly different from the normal 24-hour clock.

The military time charts are very essential when it comes to converting between the 12 -hour and 24- hour clock. Most people used the 12-hour clock, but it doesn’t relay precise information. Therefore, hospitals and military organizations have adopted the 24-hour clock as their default.

A military time chart is very useful for those people who struggle to do the conversion from the 12-hour clock. They can have a printout that fits in their wallet for convenience.

Military Time Chart Template #1

Military Time Chart Template #2

Military Time Chart Template #3

Military Time Chart Template #4

To understand the military time conversion chart let us first get the basics about the 12-hour clock. Well, in the 12-hour clock the most used abbreviations are a.m. for morning and p.m. For the afternoons. It is abbreviated as antemeridian and postmeridian respectively. The challenge is that it can be confusing if it is written in poor handwriting. It becomes difficult for other people to understand which means midnight and noon.

Therefore, with the 24-hour clock system, the military chart is very essential because the time is clear which improves accuracy. In military time, it is indicated using four digits for instance 11 pm. It is written at 2300 hrs. Most morning hours starts with zero before the other digits.

Military Time Chart Template #5

Military Time Chart Template #6

Military Time Chart Template #7

Military Time Chart Template #8

Military Time Chart Template #9

Military Time Chart Template #10

Military Time Chart Template #11

Military Time Chart Template #12

Military Time Chart Template #13

Military Time Chart Template #14

If you are new to the use of military time you might get more confused because there are certain concepts that you need to understand. First is that midnight is usually expressed as 0000hrs.In some cases, you might find it being written as 2400 hours which implies the time beyond midnight let’s say 2 am will be written as 2600 hrs. This helps in making it clearer.

The military or some other organization can choose their system that uses the 24-hour clock as well as their own conversion rules. Their clock could be running from 0000-2359 or 0001-2400.

This also brings a conversion that is based on referring to the specific time zones.

Military Time Chart Template #15

Military Time Chart Template #16

Military Time Chart Template #17

Military Time Chart Template #18

Military Time Chart Template #19

The military uses the alphabetical letters to assign a specific time zone. For instance, they use the letter “J” to denote local time and the letter “Z” which is UTC or Greenwich meantime. This letter stands for Juliet and Zulu and you will find them often used in the military. The Zulu time is mostly used in planes because they cross over various time zones. The military conversion time chart ensures it is more elaborate in bringing out the exact time because it is more elaborate than the 12-hour clock. Places such as hospitals have also adopted the military time because of the high accuracy that it presents.

Additionally, a printable military time chart can also help civilians like medical students to understand how it works. Therefore, the best thing to do if you are new to the military time is to print out one and place it at your workstation to help you understand how it works.

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