School facilities are great locations for events such as conferences, job fairs, employment workshops, and award shows. They’re guaranteed to have at least one large indoor space that’s open plan and free of obstacles. This is usually a sports hall or drama room. Many schools also have stages/rooms for presenting and performing.

So, it’s not uncommon for schools to give unaffiliated organizations the use of their facilities. The rules are stricter here than in other locations due to child protection laws but, on the upside, there may be no cost or only a negligible fee. To get approval, you must write a letter for permission to use a school facility.

This article explains how to write a letter of this type and what to include in your request.

Why Write a Request Letter to Use a School Facility?

This is a formal letter that requests permission to use part or all of a school facility. It states the details of the request (dates and times) and the reasons why you want to use the location. The missive isn’t a legal requirement, but most schools will only acknowledge a written request. Even if you have an established relationship with a school, it’s always smart to document their responses and replies.

That way, you are legally covered for your use of the school and can prove you have permission to host an event there.

What To Include In Your Request Letter

  • Your intent (request to use facility)
  • Specific date(s) and time(s)
  • Reasons for request
  • Number of guests/attendees (or an estimate)
  • Request to use resources/equipment (if applicable)
  • Details about equipment you will bring (if applicable)
  • Commitment to pay any fees/charges

Your letter should be concise and no longer than 200 words. Address it to the facility’s principal. Use their surname to show good manners and respect for their position. Be straightforward but include all details that may require permission such as transporting equipment into the school, using the school’s equipment, number of guests and any advertising you may be planning.

Be aware requests for use during school hours are less likely to be approved. If there’s no other way, do some research. Find out which parts of the facility are free during the day so you’re not making a request that is unfeasible. If possible, use the school in the evening after students have left.

What Not To Include In Your Request Letter

  • Unfeasible Requests. There are lots of obvious things you cannot do in a school. There will be times you cannot feasibly use the school because it’s needed for students. Before sending your request letter, do some research to determine which times, locations and applications are out of bounds. Ideally, you should write the letter already knowing if the time and location referenced are available. It will give you the best chance of success.
  • Alcohol. Sometimes, schools agree to host less formal events such as class reunions, speed dating sessions and product expos. Some of these events may commonly involve alcohol but it’s unlikely this would be approved at a school. There are licensing and safeguarding issues. Although it’s not unheard of, most schools would not authorize the consumption or sale of alcohol on their premises.
  • TBC Dates and Times. The dates and times included in your request should be as concrete as possible. Again, schools have a lot of responsibilities to fill and very busy schedules. The more definitive you can be, the better the chance of your request being approved. Don’t include speculative information. Be clear and precise.

Permission Request Letter to Use School Facility (Format)

{Your Name}

{Your Address}

{Your Number}

FAO {School Principal’s Name}

Dear {Title} {Principal’s Surname},

I am {Your Role} at {Your Company/Organisation}. We {Describe What You Do} and, as part of this, host a {Type of event} every {Frequency of Event}.

I am writing to request the use of your school’s {Event Location} for this event on {Specific Date}. We would like to use your facility because {Reasons for Request}.

The event would take place from {Event Start} to {Event End}, but we would require access from {Earliest Time}. We are expecting {Number of Guests} to attend the event.

Where possible, we would use the school’s {Equipment/Resources} to minimise set up requirements. However, we would bring our own {Equipment/Resources} on the day.

The school’s involvement is minimal because the event would be held after hours. We would restore the facility to its former condition and return any all furniture before leaving.

I hope you’ll consider my request. The {event} is great for our community because {Benefits of Event}. Please call me on {Your Phone Number} to discuss your response.


{Your Name}

Sample Permission Request Letter to Use School Facility

Stephen Maitland

5680 Thomas Road

Ann Arbor, MI, 48108

+1 734 794 6002

FAO Richard Werner

Huron High School

Dear Mr Werner,

I am the manager of a recruitment business in Ann Arbor. Twice yearly, we host a jobs fair with the purpose of helping local people upskill and connect with industry leaders. Normally, we host the jobs fair at our headquarters but, this time, we’ve achieved record attendance numbers. Our facility is not big enough to accommodate everybody.

I am writing to request the use of your sports hall for the jobs fair on June 7th. It would take place after school hours (6pm to 7.30pm). Though we would need access from 5pm for preparatory purposes.

We’re expecting up to 60 attendees. Where possible, we would use the school’s furniture (tables, chairs, audio equipment) to minimise set up requirements. We would bring ten freestanding poster boards and a selection of snacks.

The school’s involvement is minimal. We would restore the hall to its former condition and return any furniture and supplies before leaving.

I hope you’ll consider my request. The jobs fair is a very positive event in our community. Please call me on +1 734 794 6002 to discuss your response.


Stephen Maitland

Getting the tone of a request letter right is very important. More than anything else, the perceptions of you that it creates will influence the principal’s decision. Avoid being overly familiar but remain friendly.

Where possible, do as much of the ‘leg work’ for the principal as you can. If you know availability is assured, politely inform them so they don’t have to look up dates and times for you. Don’t waffle but make mention of any reasons the event will be particularly low maintenance such as an after hours schedule or your commitment to tidy equipment away.

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