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HR Leaders – How to Develop Leadership Skills And Evolve as a Leader | #hrmanagement #hrexecutive

hr leaders

hr leaders

Taking a leadership role in the human resource department requires a wide variety of skills. It is for this reason why Human Resources leaders often stand out. They possess certain qualities that are natural to them but can also be developed through focus and training.

If you want to excel in a Human Resources career, you need to hone your leadership qualities and skills. For instance, analytical abilities are needed when selecting the right employees and coming up with the most suitable employee benefits packages. As a leader in the HR Department, you must also possess communication and conflict management skills, since these are essential in team management, dealing with conflicts among employees, and resolving workplace challenges.

Whether you are considering a leadership role in the human resources department or are already taking up that role, here’s how to develop leadership skills.

Create Strong Company Values HR Can Lead by Example

Company values are an essential part of every organizational culture and brand. These values can make a huge difference when it comes to employee retention. Having clear company values can help to ensure that everyone in the company is working towards the same goals. As a leader of the HR department, you should deeply understand these values and lead by example. 

You must consistently adhere to the company’s code of ethics and use the company’s values as your guide. Make sure to always take the lead in advancing the values that the company has espoused to all employees. Since HR professionals are expected to promote fair and equitable treatment for everyone in the organisation, as a leader in HR, you are in a unique position to help create a community of employees who will internalise and demonstrate the company’s values and code of ethics. 

Not surprisingly, company values play an important role in attracting the right talents, which is why it’s essential for HR leaders to fully understand and live by the company values. A lot of job seekers would consider the culture of a company as an important factor when deciding which company to apply to. To attract the right talents, HR leaders should be able to clearly define the values that the company stands for and make sure that the employee they are about to hire shares the same values. 

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity 

Treating everyone equally is the key to becoming a productive and effective organisation. In fact, anti-discrimination is an integral part of UK labour law. Both equality and diversity will not only drive the organisation to comply with the labour law but also helps to draw a wider pool of talents and positively motivate the employees.

It is therefore important for leaders of HR departments to impart their own knowledge and understanding of equality, diversity, and inclusivity, far beyond the basic compliance with the UK labour laws. They must offer support and guidance to employees as well as the managers of every department who could be affected by the legislation. After getting the organisation to comply with the laws on equality and diversity, HR leaders should work hard to encourage diversity in the workplace. This can be made possible through training sessions and team-building activities, which is a great opportunity to encourage employees to mingle with diverse groups of people.

Personal & Professional Development 

Human resource professionals are a very important part of every organisation, and as their leader, you must make sure to take care of your personal and professional needs so you can lead your team and carry out your tasks well. 

Take time to sit down and create a clear and detailed outline of the professional milestones that you want to achieve for yourself and come up with associated timelines for when you can accomplish these goals. This could be learning new HR work tools or attending professional development events, whether it’s a workshop or conference is also one way to improve professionally. This also opens doors to networking and a great opportunity to connect with fellow leaders in the industry. They can offer insight on how you can perform better in your role and advice you on how you can further advance your career.

Leadership Training – Learn Leadership Skills 

Constant learning and training are the keys to a successful career in any given profession. Sweeping changes could happen across HR since businesses are changing at a rapid speed. Therefore, seek out opportunities to attend leadership and management training courses especially on skill areas that are particularly important for HR leaders.

Strategic thinking is one skill that is important to a leader. In fact, the ability to think strategically is what distinguishes leaders from managers. Strategic thinking means having an idea or vision of where you wanted to be and working hard to achieve that. People Management is another area that HR leaders should develop. 

As a leader, you should be able to effectively work with others both in a group or one on one basis. You are expected to motivate and encourage your team to work hard. Delegating task is also an important skill that leaders should master. This is a difficult skill for some leaders, but if done right, delegation can give team members a sense of responsibility and could motivate them to further advance their professional career.

Leaders should have good communication skills as well. They should listen actively and elicit information through proper questioning. It’s also important for leaders to show high levels of assertiveness, allowing them to make their point across without being aggressive. Leaders should also know how to build rapport and must have the ability to foster good and strong relationships with the team. They should know how to give feedback on personal performance in a way that will be constructive rather than destructive. 

Whether you are a new leader or have been leading the HR department for many years, you should display a thirst for understanding new HR trends and stay connected to the latest developments in the HR industry. By applying the skills you learned from training into your daily work, you can effectively help the entire organisation to accomplish strategic goals.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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