Social Media Marketing Myths

Smart work is more precious than hard work when it comes to social media marketing. You need to market your promotional campaigns tactfully to impress your target audience. But no job is too easy, especially when you come across different myths about what works and what doesn’t on social media. Here are a few social media marketing myths that you need to know about right now. This will help you plan better marketing campaigns in 2020 without second-guessing your ideas.

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Few Social Media Marketing Myths

1. Uploading posts any time can fetch more likes, shares, and comments

Suppose you follow the brand “A” and brand “B.” Both produce similar products. You sleep until 7 in the morning, go to work at 8, and return home at 6. Brand A uploads a promotional post at 6 in the morning, while Brand B promotes a similar post at 6 in the evening. Whose update will you get first? Brand B. Why? Because it is the latest update.

The same concept applies to your brand also. You need to understand the time when your followers are more active on social media. Your job is to upload your post at a time when there is more traffic. That will fetch more likes and shares, thus increasing your brand identity.

2. Buying followers don’t work overtime

Many people think it is useless to buy followers on social media. Let’s accept this statement for a moment. Suppose you start a new online business. You ask your friends and family to share your business page with as many people as they know. Do you think that the amount of audience is enough to keep your business floating? No, it’s not enough. Buying followers is not wrong. Famoid, for example, provide followers with real profiles. This helps you get a head-star, allowing your brand to build a massive audience of authentic users with a genuine interest in your content. 

Also Read: Influencer Marketing Strategies You Need to Know in 2020 

3. You need to post every day

No, you don’t. Embrace the fact that less is more these days. You don’t need to keep hammering in the minds of your target audience about your presence. They will follow your brand if they understand your worth. Don’t make your brand look like a nagging friend who wants to become the boyfriend of the prettiest girl in your class. Be subtle with your marketing campaigns. The audience that lasts may stay forever.

4. Algorithms make posting time irrelevant

Algorithms and post upload time have no connection whatsoever. Algorithms help you promote accurate targeting. What and when you post depends entirely on your marketing team. Yes, algorithms can always bring engaging posts to the forefront for more audience responses. However, it will not affect the time you upload your posts. For example, a poor marketing post may not appear immediately on the wall of a user even if you upload it when there is more traffic.

It is best to pay attention to marketing details that can make your campaigns innovative. Don’t fall for social media marketing myths easily. Do a background check to know the entire truth before uploading your posts.

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Chanchal Soni is a Growth Hacker and CRO Specialist at Appitsimple. She has experience in digital marketing, social media, content strategy, and marketing communications. Lover of huskies, the ocean & Boston sports.

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