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Getting the Most From Machine Learning in Marketing Webinar – Econsultancy

Getting the Most From Machine Learning in Marketing Webinar Econsultancy

April 21st, 2020 | 3:00pm BST, 10:00am EDT

Today’s technology means that marketers have more data than ever before to help guide their decisions. In particular, machine learning offers the promise to surface insights and drive actions that might otherwise be missed. It could also offer a productivity solution during the current coronavirus crisis.

In the light of new findings from a study by Econsultancy, join host Jim Clark, Research Director Econsultancy and David Morris RVP Solutions Consulting EMEA at Tealium for an exclusive video webinar on Tuesday 21 April, to learn from other marketers about putting machine learning into practice.

Be part of the conversation and find out:

• The key steps in getting your data collected and standardised for machine learning.

• Where machine learning can help – and where other tools might be better.

• How to successfully launch a machine learning initiative in your organisation.

• How machine learning could help you get through the current crisis.


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