
  • CaRing Days provide employees with an extra paid holiday each quarter to disconnect and recharge.
  • Our Q4 CaRing Day, October 10, recognizes World Mental Health Day.

Rest and relaxation are important for our mental and physical health. This is not an original concept. However, in a society that emphasizes productivity, ‘taking a break’ doesn’t always get prioritized. That’s where CaRing Days come in. Every quarter, RingCentral employees get an extra paid holiday to disconnect from work and do whatever they wish. 

Take a break. 

There are two types of people in this world, people who do everything on their day off and people who do absolutely nothing. Both are great – there is no one right way to take a day off. The best part? On CaRing Days you get to choose what you want to do (or not do!). 

Care for your mental health. 

Our employees’ mental health matters to us on CaRing Days and every day. That’s why we provide all of our employees with free, year-round benefits dedicated to mental health. In fact, our final CaRing Day of 2022 will take place on October 10th, World Mental Health Day, which is the perfect day to take care of yourself. 

Need a few self-care ideas? Check out these:

  • De-stress with Headspace: RingCentral provides employees a free subscription to HeadSpace, an app that provides guided meditations, calming music, and mindful exercises to clear your head. 
  • Virtual Counseling with Work Place Options: The pandemic created a ripple of changes that took a mental and emotional toll on everyone. To address these challenges, RingCentral partnered with Workplace Options to provide five free virtual counseling services.This service offers employees and their family support with any work or personal issue, including short-term counseling sessions and local resources to help manage emotional, practical, or physical needs. 
  • Mental Well-Being Coaching Sessions with TaskHuman. Examples of coaching sessions include Practicing Mindfulness, Managing Anxiety, Preventing Burnout, Mindset Transformation, and Finding Calmness.

Rest and Relaxation. 

While Headspace, Workplace Options, and TaskHuman are great mental health tools, so are rest and relaxation. Rest is wonderfully restorative and a great way to take care of yourself and recharge.

However you decide to spend your CaRing Day – we hope you take advantage of the time to disconnect from work and recharge. Enjoy and take good care!

Originally published Oct 06, 2022

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